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Eat Your Frog | The Secret to Your Most Productive Self
A frog a day keeps the stress away! Frog for breakfast might not sound ideal, but it's a must. And it's not because there's a bacon shortage but because we want you to have the most productive summer yet. But what is a [...]
The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms empowers all users with the tools they need to gather and review important insights, no matter their level of code-savviness. Here at Creospark, we’ve been Microsoft Forms fans from day 1 of the preview. We leverage the tool in nearly all departments and have found [...]
Leverage Microsoft Forms During Teams Meetings
At this point, we’re all well aware of the struggles that arise when trying to ask a question during a large remote meeting. Either someone forgets to go off mute, there’s background noise or everyone starts talking at once – we’ve all been there. Microsoft Teams presents a much simpler option of asking a [...]