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Are you ready to save your Developers 50% of their time and deliver an ROI of 9,900%? Join us for an hour session where we’ll break down how you can lead projects to success with a design focus.

User Experience and User Interface design can make or break a site or app’s success. According to Forrester, every “$1 invested in UX results in a return of $100 (ROI = 9,900 percent).” Plus, starting with UI/UX research and design before building a solution can save you heartache and substantial capital. In fact, research shows that “fixing a development issue can cost up to ten times more than fixing it in the design phase.”

In this session, Senior UI/UX Designer Kunaal Sharma, and UI/UX Designer Min Chun, will walk you through UI/UX impacts, including:

-The difference between UI/UX

-The human & fiscal ROI of UI/UX

-Design best practices for Power Apps Power Pages & SharePoint

-10 Dos and Don’ts to design success

-Real-life examples of site and app designs

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